
Now available at Nixon Podiatry!!!

A nail restoration solution for damaged and unsightly toenails.

Our Services.

  • Nail and Skin Conditions

    Fungal nail infections, corns, callous, cracked heels. Warts, tinea, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.

  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy

    For chronic musculoskeletal foot and lower leg pain and sports injuries.

  • Orthotics

    Custom made foot orthoses and off the shelf devices to get you back on your feet!

  • Diabetes Management

    Neurological and Vascular Assessments, footcare, wound management, advice.
    Nerve pain.

  • Nail Surgery

    Management of chronic ingrown toenails in adults and children.

  • Children's Feet/Paediatrics

    Growing pains. Flat feet. Development delays.

Book a Service!


A referral is not required to see a podiatrist.

You may be eligible for a referral for a Medicare rebate for podiatry treatment. Speak to your GP to discuss this eligibility.

TAC, DVA, Workcover and Private Health Insurance accepted. Some may have a gap payment dependant on your level of cover.