Are your shoes the right fit?
The foot is a very important part of the human body as the average person will walk over 130,000km in their lifetime.
Shoes are vital as they are there to support the feet. The right pair of shoes may mean the difference between pain free feet and feet which develop corns, bunions, heel pain and so on. While you may think certain pairs of shoes are comfortable or look good, you may not realise what they are doing to your feet. The right shoes can often be difficult to find as there are so many choices, and everyone's foot is different. Luckily we are here to help!
So how do you find the right shoe?
1. Feel the shoe in your hand. Can you scrunch it up? Does it have laces? Can you push over the back of the heel? Does it have a cushioned, solid and non-slip outer sole?
2. Try on the shoes. Go for a long walk around the shoes - do not do a short two metre walk as you may find out later that the shoes are no good. Make sure you have adequate length, width and depth in your shoes.
3. If you're still not sure, ask your podiatrist. If you experience foot pain or have joint deformities you would be best to contact us for an assessment to determine full management strategies as well as the best shoes for you as you may require additional features.
At Nixon Podiatry, as well as providing excellent education about the right type of shoes for your feet, we also stock a variety of shoes in store. See below for photos of some of the shoes we stock. If you see a pair you like in our clinic or one of the catalogues we can always order them in for you!